Tuesday 30 August 2011

EMAIL: Joseph Shaw (Edinburgh)

The following email was sent to Nassim Soleimanpour by Joseph Shaw after seeing the show in Edinburgh (twice!).

Dear Nassim,

I have just gotten back to my flat in Edinburgh after seeing your play for
the second time here at the Fringe Festival. It has taken me on a
transformative journey: I started out a helpless participant, clean. Now I
have been marked red. I've been here for all of August on a study abroad
with the University of Washington in Seattle, seeing about 30 shows in
total. There have been many great plays, but yours was my favorite. Thank
you for this unique piece of art.

For my first viewing two days ago, I was lucky enough to be number 3 - the
White Rabbit. Our actor's name was Alexis, and I can't remember his last
name, but his performance was excellent. I quite enjoyed being given the
instructions and playing the disruptive white rabbit, and so your comment on
compliancy hit me that much harder - like a bucket of ice-cold water. I went
home and told my fellow students they must see your play. Hence, the second

Today, six of my friends joined me for another show, and it was read
wonderfully by playwright David Greig. My heart pounded as I hopped up on
stage again, this time to be the Red Rabbit at the finale. I took your
script home and I can't wait to study it. This being your first play in
English, I am astounded by your command of the language - it is one of the
best-written plays I've encountered, because your presence is tangible in
every word.

I am on the executive board for the Undergraduate Theater Society (UTS) - a
student-run company at U of Washington, and a few of my colleagues are here
at the Fringe as well, and we were all moved by your play. With that said, I
would like to extend a formal request on behalf of UTS for the rights to
have it performed in Seattle, by student actors like ourselves (but of
course, not those of us who have seen it). It was an eye-opening experience
for us, and we would be honored to take it home and share it with our

Again, a most sincere thank you.

Joseph Shaw
Graphic Designer,
Undergraduate Theater Society

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